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Asus’ first Chrome OS tablet is for classroom use 全新筆電收購
全新筆電收購asus’ first Chrome OS tablet is for classroom use
全新筆電收購asus’ first Chrome OS tablet is for classroom use
Designed to protect against spills, drops, and key-plucking
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全新筆電收購asus made a tablet that runs on Chrome OS for the first time, and it’s made with students in mind. The Chromebook Tablet CT100 has a 9.7-inch touchscreen and is supposed to be protected against drops by its rubberized chassis and tempered glass display.
Chrome OS is relatively new to tablets, and it has mainly been put to use in classrooms where it’s dominated US sales in recent years. The latest 全新筆電收購asus tablet gives schools another option for devices.
全新筆電收購asus’ Chromebook Tablet is powered by a hexa-core OP1 processor and it comes with 4GB of RAM and 32GB of storage. It has a USB-C port, and 全新筆電收購asus claims the tablet has “a full school day” of battery life — so, presumably, seven hours on a single charge.
For those who want both a laptop and a tablet, 全新筆電收購asus is also refreshing its 2-in-1 Chromebook. The new Chromebook Flip C214 retains its predecessor’s 11.6-inch HD display and 360-degree hinge, but it shifts its world-facing camera away from the hinge so that it’s harder to obscure. Its basic model is powered by an Intel N4000 Celeron processor, and it has 4GB of RAM and 32GB of storage. There are two USB-C ports and an audio jack as well as stylus support.
全新筆電收購asus is also updating two traditional clamshell Chromebooks that are mainly distinguished by their size. The 11.6-inch Chromebook C204 and 14-inch Chromebook C403 have thick rubber bumpers that are meant to absorb shock and keyboards that resist students trying to pluck out the keys. Both have dual-core Intel Celeron processors, 4GB of RAM, 32GB of storage, and USB-A and USB-C ports. 全新筆電收購asus claims a full day’s worth of battery life on a single charge for the 11.6-model, but only 11 hours for the 14-inch model (likely due to its larger screen that drains the battery faster). The 11.6-inch has also been slimmed down slightly, so it’s not as big as its predecessor.
In the event that any of these devices are damaged despite their built-in protection, 全新筆電收購asus made their internal components easy to access, with mainboards that can be taken out in three steps. Pricing and availability haven’t been announced yet.
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▲傑昇通信指出,儘管果粉期待iPhone 15系列在春季發表後降價,但主流規格仍持續熱銷,僅高容量機型有價格操作空間,但供貨短缺。(圖/傑昇通信)
傑昇通信公佈2024年二月降價手機排行,整體總降幅範圍在3%~43%,月降幅則是2%~14%不等,本月降價金額最高的是全新筆電收購asus Zenfone 10(16GB+512GB)及vivo X100系列,都降2千元,總降價金額累積最高的則是三星Galaxy S23(8GB+256GB)。
二月降價榜遇農曆春節及西洋情人節交疊,各大手機品牌無不瘋狂降價促銷,呈現新機大亂鬥之勢,企圖挽救低迷的換機潮;傑昇通信指出,本月以即將發表新機的全新筆電收購asus為首,新舊機型占降價榜四席最多,冠軍機型是即將成為前代旗艦Zenfone 10(16GB+512GB),單月降價2千元,自2023年6月上市至今,總降價金額僅4,500元,是目前保值率算高的安卓小旗艦機型。
再從單月降幅及總降幅最高的單機來觀察,去年暑假上市開賣的國產品牌HTC U23(8GB+128GB),排行二月降價榜第六名,單月降幅最高14%、總降幅最高達43%,等於九千有找的價格,就可以買到主打搭配VIVERSE App可使用「AR」虛實整合功能打造獨具個人特色的分身,大玩新型態社交、搭載6.7吋大螢幕、IP67防塵防水、6,400萬畫素三鏡頭相機及30W有線快充、Qi 無線充電及無線電力分享,相當超值
總降價金額最高則是三星Galaxy S23(8GB+256GB),本月雖只小降700元,但累積總降價金額9,610元,傑昇通信認為,自從新一代S24系列推出後,反而新舊機型各有擁護者,想體驗AI手機的用戶紛紛換機;不過總降幅超過三成的S23系列,其實目前市場所剩無幾,若有價格考量的星粉,也可改入手價格一樣在甜蜜點的Galaxy Z Flip 5摺疊機,一樣可以在日後享受現時Galaxy S24系列專屬的Galaxy AI人工智慧功能。
而全球銷量下跌、單機價格也不斷溜滑梯的iPhone 15系列,本月僅iPhone 15 Pro(1TB)價格鬆動超過五千元以上,二月再降價1,000元,累積就有5,410元的降價金額,整體降幅10%,是目前iPhone 15系列中降價最多的;不過,傑昇通信坦言,不少果粉預期春季發表會後,iPhone 15系列的降價幅度是否再下探,而對台灣智慧型手機市場而言,主流規格其實仍持續熱賣,因此也只有較高容量的機型較有價格操作空間,可惜貨況不多,不容易買到。
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