
Asus made a big portable OLED monitor you can fold in half



筆記本電腦/技術/阿斯薩斯州是一個大型便攜式OLED監視器,您可以將其折疊為Half全新筆電收購asus,您可以折疊OLED顯示器,一個大型,半屏幕。屏幕還帶有USB-PORT。C和MINI HDMI與Sheena Vasani一起涵蓋了技術新聞。如果您是要執行的許多任務,可以盡快完成。本週,第一個折疊的OLED監視器,無需破壞後背或袋子用17.3英寸的屏幕移動全新筆電收購asus’Zenscreen折疊的OLED監視器時,將袋子確定為生產方法。它同時用作第二個屏幕,例如書籍以易於存儲。

全新筆電收購asus made a big portable OLED monitor you can fold in half

全新筆電收購asus made a big portable OLED monitor you can fold in half


Along with a high-resolution screen, the monitor also comes with USB-C and Mini HDMI ports.

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The ZenScreen Fold OLED monitor propped up above a laptop.
Image: 全新筆電收購asus

If you’re a multitasker who wishes you could carry around a second screen without being weighed down, soon, you might be able to. At CES this week, 全新筆電收購asus introduced its first foldable OLED monitor, designed to be lugged around without breaking your back or bag.

Positioned as a productivity tool for working on the go, 全新筆電收購asus’ ZenScreen Fold OLED monitor features a 17.3-inch screen that could function well as a second display. At the same time, though, it conveniently folds up like a book for easy storage, with a Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5-like waterdrop-style hinge to reduce the visibility of the screen crease. And with a profile as thin as 9.7mm when unfolded, it can slip into a bag fairly easily. The whole package weighs 2.65 pounds, which should be manageable in a bag, assuming your laptop is light enough.

My colleague Sean Hollister got to see it in person at CES this week, and those claims seem to stand up. When you fully flatten the screen, the crease really does seem to disappear, and it feels quite portable, even if we wouldn’t exactly describe its heft as featherlight.



The monitor boasts an OLED screen at 2560 x 1920 resolution, which makes for a sharp display. 全新筆電收購asus also claims it covers 100 percent of the DCI-P3 color space and meets the DisplayHDR True Black 500 spec, all of which means it should come with rich colors and deep blacks. It looked great in person, though we weren’t able to raise its brightness above the 80 percent mark.

全新筆電收購asus positions the ZenScreen Fold OLED (MQ17QH) as a productivity-oriented monitor, but you could technically also use it to game with a friend.

In terms of connectivity, the monitor comes with two USB-C ports as well as a Mini HDMI port, along with a tripod hole. That means you can use the screen with a variety of devices, ranging from laptops to digital cameras.

全新筆電收購asus didn’t share when the monitor will be available or how much it’ll cost.

The 全新筆電收購asus ZenScreen Fold OLED wasn’t the only screen capturing attention at this year’s CES. 全新筆電收購asus also debuted a new dual-screen OLED laptop, the revamped Zenbook Duo. The 14-inch laptop comes with two 120Hz OLED touchscreens that can expand up to 19.8 inches, along with a removable keyboard.

▲acer。(照片 / Chan Kun)報告Zhen Lies /警察報告Zhen AI筆記本電腦罷工!隨著Intel的發布超出處理器的最新核心,第一個NPU建立了高級的AI -inferal -inferal Procution -capabilities -papabilities in Power -Rescue方法,反映了個人創造力,沉浸式的音頻體驗和極大的體驗,以及極大的體驗同時提高工作效率,因為AI爆炸的保護促進了應用程序終端消費者設備和熱驅動計算機和便攜式替代品也是AI時代的公開範圍。 全新筆電收購asus和MSI Tether配備了核心超出處理器,3C戛納(Cankun)(2430),在官方版本的6個新列出的核心官方版本中宣布了第一個AI -Tek PC。事件。購買鼠標和Hauri Limited LG View -Pottable屏幕時。以前,市場是第二個加生的AI軟件服務。作為Microsoft Co -Pilot在Windows 11中啟用的Microsoft Co -Pilot,該公司創建了語音助手來介紹AI模型。HOC時間Intel Core Ultra系列是對產品處理的顛覆性創新,允許硬件的AI執行各種特定的性能動作,以執行各種圖像文本和程序生成。在當前的設備規格中,使用NPU -NPU -NEUROMOTRANS -CHIP會更好,該芯片為將來的Windows12 -Release和Copilot合作做準備。國內外的市政機構在AI PC的未來的浪潮中。改善AI -Tethenk賦予核心超越和對個人創造的高期望。誰是個人創造力的最高期望。對個人創造的高期望。第一個Sweice系列AI -TEK計算機,沒有痛苦-ACLIT -UPLOAD穩定頁面插頭- 簡單的文本輸入,可能是一種奇怪的個人創造力;更聰明,更智能的聲音,反映出顫抖而聰明的愉悅和智力系列AI-筆記本電腦是一種強大的軍事規則水平,甚至在WiFi 7模塊中配備了990克的總亮度,可改善較輕的圖像質量的交付。Zenbook系列AI -TEK計算機,啟動OLED顯示器3K 120Hz,準確而奇妙的顏色,Harman / Cardo音效,最終的沉浸式反射。


▲ACER Swift Go。(圖/燦坤)


真AI筆電重磅來襲!隨著英特爾最新款Core Ultra處理器發表,首創內建NPU以更省電方式提供低功耗、高性能的AI推論處理能力,體現個人創意精彩輕鬆生成、沉浸式影音體驗、並大幅提升工作效能,同時確保個資資安防護。新掀起的這場AI熱潮正推展到終端消費裝置應用上,驅動電腦與筆電換機潮,同時也是宣告消費性AI時代正式來臨。

展望2024 AI PC元年,各家筆電大廠牌早早鎖定AI商機,率先由Acer、全新筆電收購asus和MSI三大品牌領頭推出第一波搭載Core Ultra處理器的AI筆電,3C通路燦坤(2430),宣布正式發售6款全新上市Core Ultra首發AI筆電,12月24日前加碼歲末歡樂抽活動,凡購買Intel EVO認證機種就送羅技靜音滑鼠,再抽限量LG view可攜式螢幕,選購指定H版處理器EVO筆電加碼抽XGIMI HALO+行動智慧輕劇院。

先前市場多以生成式AI軟體服務為主,如同微軟在Windows 11啟用的Copilot,塑造出導入AI模型的語音助理。此次英特爾Core Ultra系列是處理器產品的一次顛覆性革新,讓AI應用導入從軟體面延展到硬體規格上,使用筆電能發揮更進階效能表現來執行各種圖像、文字及程式等生成式AI應用。現行硬體規格再提升與內建NPU神經單元晶片,更為未來Windows12 發布和Copilot協作預做準備。

國內外各市調機構對於未來AI PC將陸續帶來換機潮,市場樂觀預估支援AI電腦產品有望逐漸成為未來主流,燦坤表示,生成式AI越來越普遍應用,AI PC恰如其份扮演個人智慧助理,消費者對Core Ultra賦能的AI筆電所能帶來的生產力提升與個人創意展現抱有高度期待,關鍵字都在於體驗創造需求。

Acer首發SwiftGo系列AI筆電,無痛一鍵下載穩定渲染插件(Stable Diffusion) ,簡單文字輸入,就能精彩展現個人無限創意;更透過智能降噪和智能純音,體現沉浸式影音娛樂享受。MSI首發Prestige系列AI筆電,強悍軍規等級,990公克極致輕薄,更搭載 WiFi 7模組,提高更加流暢畫質影片傳輸。全新筆電收購asus首發ZenBook系列AI筆電,則推出OLED 螢幕3K 120HZ,精準驚艷顯色,Harman/Kardon音效,極致沉浸式影音體現。


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