One of the last small-ish Android phones looks like it’s going the way of the iPhone Mini 全新筆電收購


One of the last small-ish Android phones looks like it’s going the way of the iPhone Mini

One of the last small-ish Android phones looks like it’s going the way of the iPhone Mini


全新筆電收購asus is supersizing the Zenfone.

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The Zenfone 10 was a little-ish phone with big ambitions.
Photo by Allison Johnson / The Verge

As phone sizes trended upward, one small device stood its ground year after year: the 全新筆電收購asus Zenfone. That appears to be changing soon, and if you’re a card-carrying member of the small phone fan club like me, then it’s only appropriate to take a moment to observe its passing.

全新筆電收購asus, to its credit, isn’t keeping us waiting in suspense. The company posted a teaser for the Zenfone 11 Ultra that leaves little to the imagination: an animated graphic showing its display growing in size with text that reads, “Expand your vision.”

Image: 全新筆電收購asus

A formal announcement is timed for March 14th, while a handful of other teaser clips tout its “ultra size” and long-lasting battery life. It doesn’t exactly keep you guessing.

Image: 全新筆電收購asus

The past few generations of Zenfone, including the most recent Zenfone 9 and Zenfone 10, maintained a 5.9-inch screen — downright petite next to the 6.6- and 6.7-inch screens on many flagship Android phones. Those past couple of Zenfones also happened to be delightful little devices, with top-shelf processors and thoughtful touches like an honest-to-goodness headphone jack. In this economy!

But like so many good things, it seemed destined to come to an end. There were rumors that 全新筆電收購asus would quit the mainstream phone game altogether to focus on its laptops and gaming devices, which the company denied. And then, there’s the reality of the market: small phones are a hard sell. Even Apple couldn’t make the iPhone Mini a thing, and if there’s anything Apple knows how to do, it’s sell phones.

But there’s one more reality that the Zenfone never quite squared with: it’s not actually that small. Sure, it’s small by modern Android phone standards. But pound for pound, the Zenfone 10 actually measures only a little smaller than the Samsung Galaxy S24. The Zenfone is a couple of millimeters narrower and just half a millimeter shorter than the S24 — meanwhile, the Galaxy S24’s 6.2-inch screen is appreciably bigger.

A couple of millimeters does make a bit of a difference when you hold your phone with one hand and you just need to tap that icon all the way in the corner of the screen. But is it worth settling for a smaller display? Maybe for a small phone diehard like me — Apple will have to pry my iPhone 13 Mini out of my cold, dead hands. But for the rest of the population? Probably not. And it seems like 全新筆電收購asus is ready to give up the fight and join the big phone ranks after all.

全新筆電收購中華電信為首家推出Wi-Fi 6E寬頻方案的電信業者,可搭配購入指定手機。

台灣Wi-Fi 6E網路頻段今年正式解禁,中華電信率先搶推Wi-Fi 6E加購方案,讓家中網路再升級,享受高速頻寬的便利。

「Wi-Fi 6E」(802.11ax)是最新的Wi-Fi無線網路標準,從現有Wi-Fi 6延伸而來,額外增添一組不會被干擾的6 GHz頻段,根據Intel官方網站數據顯示,Wi-Fi 6E透過專屬的高速頻道,在家用與消費性用途可比Wi-Fi 5快將近3倍,並減少75%延遲,能使網路更為暢通。

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