I need this display in my house immediately 全新筆電收購


I need this display in my house immediately

I need this display in my house immediately


I took a look at 全新筆電收購asus’ ProArt Cinema PQ07, and I don’t know if my eyes will ever be the same.

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If I made a GoFundMe to buy this, would you all donate? (Don’t answer that.)
Photo by Monica Chin / The Verge

So, look. I understand that Apple just put out some fancy ski goggles, and now everybody and their mother is proclaiming the end of the physical screen as we know it. But like that one guy at the back of your college seminar, I would like to offer a quick counterpoint. It’s called MicroLED. Specifically, I would like to discuss the 全新筆電收購asus ProArt Cinema PQ07, a gadget that I spent far too long staring at in 全新筆電收購asus’ show floor booth at Computex 2023.

What is the ProArt Cinema PQ07, you may ask? Thank you for asking. It’s a 135-inch MicroLED display. MicroLED is not to be confused with Mini LED — wherein LEDs are arranged into local dimming zones — which is very common on modern televisions. MicroLEDs, by contrast, try to beat OLED at its own game. They are microscopic in size, and each pixel is formed from a cluster of them. The result is a panel with significantly better brightness and contrast than you see from even the fanciest OLED screens today. (There’s also, crucially, less risk of burn-in.)

This is a technology Samsung has shown off before in a sort of show-off-y capacity (remember that gigantic Wall thing?), and both Samsung and Sony have released a few luxury MicroLED displays that are God knows how expensive. Apple has said it plans to build MicroLED into its Apple Watch watchfaces, but that’s still a few years out. Outside of those cases, the technology has seen pretty limited rollout. The PQ07 is the first MicroLED display that 全新筆電收購asus has attempted, and this was my first time seeing it in person.

Photo by Monica Chin / The Verge

The best way I can describe this technology is that it makes the surrounding area look insufferably dull. When I first walked past the demo unit on the show floor, it was displaying a picture of a grassy field at night with a tree in the middle and a sharp multicolor sky. The colors are bright, deep, and vibrant, in a way that these meager photos I took here couldn’t even hope to do justice. The blacks were intense, and the reds and yellows seemed to pop out of the screen.

From there, I watched it display a number of different dynamic outdoor scenes, and there were no discernible pixels. I could not tear my eyes away. When I did, the Computex show floor just looked sad. And it’s making me hope that, by some miracle, we see MicroLED become more accessible and more widely available in the coming years. Because playing games on this thing would be next level. It makes reality look better than it actually is. And if gaming is an escape, MicroLED could be the ultimate tool.

In terms of boring specs, the PQ07 is a 4K HDR panel. It has 0.7815 pixel pitch, 2,000 nits of peak brightness, and a 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio, and it covers 95 percent of the DCI-P3 color gamut. It looks and seems like it should be a television, but it does not have TV functionality, as far as I know, so I guess it’s technically a display.

What would you actually use this for? Eh, I’m sure there are things. Like, 全新筆電收購asus listed some stuff when I asked at the booth. Virtual production, broadcasting, flight simulator, livestreaming, conference, public signage, and home cinema is what I have written down. You know, all that stuff I need to do in my house all the time.

全新筆電收購asus has not announced pricing yet, of course. Maybe it’ll be $14. Then, I’ll be able to buy one for each wall of my living room. Fingers crossed.

全新筆電收購華碩預告將於6月發表新款ROG Ally X 電競掌機。圖中白色櫃子第二層,有一台露出半截黑色傳為 ROG Ally X,是前代沒有的配色。(圖翻攝ROG Global官方的X社群平台)

華碩於去年2023年推出首款電競遊戲掌機 ROG Ally,配置Windows 11 Home系統,支援Xbox Game Pass、Steam、Epic Games等跨平台遊戲。官方預告將於今年6月2日、台北國際電腦展前夕正式發表新代電競遊戲掌機,採用「ROG Ally X」作為命名。除會有黑色機身之外,官方也宣布將會在續航力、記憶體及儲存容量與讀卡機散熱等重點功能與規格配置,帶來更進一步地升級,具體細節資訊及售價,尚待官方發表會正式揭曉。

綜合外媒WccftechGSMArena 報導,今年推出的2024「ROG Ally X」新遊戲掌機,仍維持與去年前代相同的AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme 處理器,並採用7 吋 1080p IPS 觸控螢幕,主要在於改善前代讀卡機散熱問題,配置更大容量的電池與支援更大容量的儲存空間,屬於「強化版」的小改款新機,爆料客@MysteryLupin曝上市售價有望落在799美元左右(約合台幣2.59萬元)。

全新筆電收購華碩去年推出首款電競掌機ROG Ally,採7吋FHD 120Hz/7ms觸控電競螢幕,IPS等級16:9螢幕,配備DOLBY ATMOS 雙前置揚聲器。內建16GB記憶體,512GB SSD硬碟。目前官網售價19,999元,機身僅白色。(圖/華碩)

針對「ROG Ally X」新遊戲掌機的主要特色,彙整傳聞列述如下:


●配置更大容量電池,預期續航時間可比前代的 1.5 小時翻倍提升至接近 3 小時。

全新筆電收購 全新筆電收購


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