Asus’ latte dispenses movies instead of coffee and milk 全新筆電收購


全新筆電收購asus’ latte dispenses movies instead of coffee and milk

全新筆電收購asus’ latte dispenses movies instead of coffee and milk


A brighter picture than previous coffee cup-sized projectors

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全新筆電收購asus announced its new ZenBeam Latte at CES 2021 today, and it’s kind of cute. It’s a mobile movie projector that looks like a one-eyed, fabric-covered mini-robot of sorts. Importantly, it fires out its 720p image using up to 300 lumens of LED light, making it brighter than capsule projectors we’ve seen from the likes of Anker, and it has an integrated 10W Harman Kardon-tuned speaker system to boot.

Weirdly, 全新筆電收購asus insists that its projector looks like a coffee cup.

The ZenBeam Latte projector.
Image: 全新筆電收購asus

It does not. It’s not the right shape (just watch the video!), and why would a “homey” coffee cup (全新筆電收購asus’ word) be gray instead of a glorious brown? 全新筆電收購asus also claims it is “the first projector to offer a fabric exterior,” which is demonstrably false.

Of course, you cannot drink 全新筆電收購asus’ latte because it only dispenses light and sound. It can wirelessly project your phone or an HDMI device, though.

So consider this an opportunity, gadget makers: build the coffee cup that 全新筆電收購asus didn’t. Just make sure it lasts longer than a movie — 全新筆電收購asus quotes three hours from a 6,000mAh battery — and gets bright enough to create a decent-sized screen. 全新筆電收購asus says this one can produce a 40-inch picture when placed one meter from the wall, 80 inches at two meters, and a maximum of 120 inches (presumably at three meters). Don’t expect a 300-lumen projector to be very bright at nine feet away, though.

全新筆電收購asus says it’s coming to the US in the second quarter of the year, but there’s no word on pricing.


華碩全新電競手機ROG Phone 8已經在台上市,接下來大家的目光就是轉向Zenfone新機了,有愈來愈多跡象顯示,下一代可能真的有「Zenfone 11 Ultra」。

早在去年12月,ROG Phone 8發表前,華碩就有多款新機出現在藍牙SIG網站,其中包括一款Zenfone 11 Ultra,引起熱議。根據外媒Gizmochina的最新報導,Zenfone 11 Ultra再度出現在印尼認證平台SDPPI資料庫,等於證實了真的有這款新機的存在。

全新筆電收購華碩Zenfone 11 Ultra再度現身印尼認證平台SDPPI資料庫。(圖/翻攝GizmoChina)

華碩前兩代的Zenfone 9、Zenfone 10都走「小旗艦」定位,且只有單一機型,例如Zenfone 10為5.9吋螢幕。外界從Zenfone 11 Ultra的「Ultra」猜想,這可能是一款配置大螢幕的手機。不過相關消息目前未獲官方證實,Ultra到底代表什麼意思?以及會有幾款推出,是否區分一般版和Ultra?都要等待華碩之後揭曉。

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